This Weeks Product Bulletin
Heating, Plumbing & Ventilation

SIOO Product Portfolio

Sioo Wood Protection AB, Von Utfallsgatan 20, 415 05 Göteborg, SWEDEN,
Tel: +46 (0)31-42 42 62

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Coating wood - the challenges

Coating wood - the challenges

Although wood is an incredibly versatile and beautiful material it does suffer from some problems. For exterior applications in...

Impregnation has an extensive range of application

Impregnation has an extensive range of application

Sioo:x Impregnation has an extensive range of application. It is used across all wood types – softwoods, hardwoods and...

Sioo:x treated cedar cladding in the Lake District

Sioo:x treated cedar cladding in the Lake District

Timber cladding is being used increasingly as a priority choice amongst architects and designers for use as a protective skin for...

The Protection and Care of Wood

The Protection and Care of Wood

Wood is an excellent material to provide cladding for buildings. Apart from being easy to install and aesthetically pleasing,...