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Insulation & Acoustics

Sundolitt UK Product Portfolio

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Sundolitt awarded BBA Certification for Extruded Polystyrene Floor Insulation

Sundolitt awarded BBA Certification for Extruded Polystyrene Floor Insulation

Sundolitt’s Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) Floor Insulation has recently been awarded BBA certification with NHBC Standards...

Sundolitt EPS the perfect landscaping material

Sundolitt EPS the perfect landscaping material

Weighing only 1% the weight of traditional fill, Sundolitt expanded polystyrene (EPS) is continuing to prove itself as a modern...

Why XPS is the ideal insulation for cold roofs

Why XPS is the ideal insulation for cold roofs

With the drive to more efficient and eco-friendly buildings, the specification of roof insulation for inverted roofs has supported...

Sundolitt XPS is ideal insulation for innovative BLUE roof applications

Sundolitt XPS is ideal insulation for innovative BLUE roof applications

A Blue Roof design utilises the roof construction for providing water attenuation capacity rather than quickly moving through the...

Sundolitt XPS specified for living roof at The Sill - Northumberland National Park’s new visitor attraction

Sundolitt XPS specified for living roof at The Sill - Northumberland National...

Sundolitt’s XPS insulation has been specified for Northumberland National Park’s new and exciting National Landscape Discovery...

Sundolitt EPS improves £4.3m road junction in Newcastle

Sundolitt EPS improves £4.3m road junction in Newcastle

Sundolitt’s expanded polystyrene (EPS) has been used as an innovative void fill under one of Newcastle’s busiest roundabouts....

Sundolitt high performance XPS insulation specified at the University of Hull

Sundolitt high performance XPS insulation specified at the University of Hull

Sundolitt XPS (extruded polystyrene) was the preferred choice of floor insulation for new student accommodation at the University...